Friday, September 26, 2008

It's the same!

Kind of moving forward on a concept that I was exploring in another blog I wrote, is the concept that one's capacity for suffering is directly proportional to one's capacity to feel joy in the next life, and that one's capacity to inflict suffering on another, is also directly proportional to one's capacity to feel suffering in the next life.

Taking this forward, I've found some parallels with our daily emotional life that I find interesting.

For one, the very device with which we give love emotionally, is that which we also receive.

This should be a "wow" moment if you haven't realized this. It was for me!

If you hide behind a wall, and rob others of the love that only you can give, why be surprised when that is the quality of love that you receive?

Think of giving, and spreading about what God has given you without thought of reward. If you do, that is the very mechanism with which you receive abundance.

I'm starting to see the mark of a master architect on anything and everything. It is perfect, and yet remains hidden. It truly is a game of chasing silence, if you will.

I don't understand why these things eluded me before, when they were a part of me, and all around me... right in front of my nose.

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